THE Jusuf Sutanto CENTER
Dosen Fak Psi Univ Pancasila dan Associate Researcher Lembaga Penelitian
Psikologi Fak Psikologi Universitas Indonesia - Koordinator Kelompok Studi
Social dan Cultural Neuroscience Masyarakat Neurosains Indonesia
As the saying goes,
“If an old dog barks, he gives counsel”
Old men, who walk more roads, eat more rice, read more books, have more
experience, enjoy more happiness, and endure more sufferings, are
experienced and knowledgeable with rich life experience.
Thus what they say is mostly wise counsel, and young people
should listen to them”
(“Wise Men Talking Series” Sino Lingua, Beijing)
Learning psychology via eastern wisdom is like listening old men having
rich life experiences. It will help, enrich and sharpen our ability in
diagnosing and in turn providing varieties to choose the right therapy
(modern and ancient as well) simply by using metaphors and stories.
Since in psychology is not allowed to use medicine like in psychiatry,
the aim of psycho treatment is to facilitate client to understand the
problem and encourage for Self Help.
Whereas the clinical testing facilities in psychiatry could only detect
physical effect, the measurement tools in psychology is like in quantum
physics gives only indication subject to further investigation as said
by Lao Tzu “The journey of thousand miles starts with single step”.
“Starting from apprehending one step, gradually you will understand
thousands of steps. After that you will see the Way and feel the true
self confidence. Things that is more fearful is when you are entrapped
in confusion and suffering. (Cheng Yen)
I. Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 SM):
A Crown Prince had changed drastically the expectation of his father
to succeed the kingdom instead, after seeing and meditate deeply an
old –, sick – and death man full of sorrow. What is its cause and how
to convert into happiness. The question is very fundamental of psychology.
At first he went to the philosopher but no satisfaction, then he practiced
ascetism, but only his body is weaker.
At last he meditated under the tree and realized the essence of universe
is always in constant changing and therefore non-self and detachment.
“I teach one thing and one only: that is suffering and the end of suffering.
You should do your own work for I can only teach the way”
Life belongs to those who take care of it.
“Once upon a time while a hen and its chicks looking for feed nearby a forest,
suddenly an eagle caught the mother and flew away. A wise man saw it and
shouted “Bring her back, it is very pity for the chicks”. The eagle answered,
“I also have 3 in my nest to feed or they will die”. “Take my flesh as
substitution “showing his arm. The eagle released the hen and took the flesh
of wise man but surprisingly soon after it is bitten a new one grown to recover
again and again”.
The difference of human being and animal.
Human being could transcend or passing over Selfish, egoism and transforms into
the way of paradoxes “in giving you will receive – in pardoning, you are pardoned
and in dying enter the eternal life”. Mustard could be regarded in the era of
information technology as computer and gadget.
Without enlightenment, it will promote selfish and narcis.
Therefore the ancient wisdom is needed in the modern society.
II. Confucius (551-479 SM):
The universe is always in constant changing and never stop even in a second from
the beginningless past into the endless future. The name it the Way/Tao.
Nothing remains permanent except changes itself.
It is like in a river, even the water flows at this moment differs from one minute
ago and one minute after. This changes is driven by opposite forces yet complementary
(YIN and YANG). Within YIN there is YANG and within YANG there is YIN.
Seasons changes from spring-summer-fall-winter and come back to spring again, etc,
but this spring differs from last one and next year.
Therefore man should learn to be human in his whole life. All title is only
appreciation for the past. If he stops to learn, is not valid anymore and fall into
the opposite.
Once he was asked, what kind of news you want to teach’, his answer was, “Nothing at
all. I just invent the old one and continue it”. Meaning the unity of past – present
and future is like a tree within the seed.
“There is skies above the sky/
Di atas Langit ada Langit yang lebih tinggi (compare to multi galaxies).
There are always smarter people above us/
Di atas manusia yang pandai, masih ada yang lebih pandai”
(just by pushing key board of your computer, you will recognize how ideas and counter
ideas flow like wave in the ocean. The later comes to challenge the former)
“10 years for making good wood – 100 years for good man”
For those who keep and always learn can overcome sorrow and have better life.
The wisdom of India named it dancing with The Dance of Shiva Nataraja/
God of Knowledge.
III. Lao Tzu (604 SM):
“The journey of thousand miles stars with single step” is also valid for knowing yourself. It is like the flow of stroke in Chinese calligraphy, one flows by the next un-interrupted.
• The taste of durian fruit could not be grasped by
reading books instead of just eat.
• Even after eat it, we still could not explain
completely to durian lover.
• Therefore how can we describe it to those who
never see and eat it?
• See the paintings of “3 wise men drinking the same
wine gourd” and “3 wise men laughing together”
• 3 psychiatrists never have the same opinion to
diagnose the same client.
• Those who know his true nature could overcome his
problem or even never face such problem.
• This is the essence of Transpersonal and Transformative Psychology.
The dichotomy of Self – Society and Nature is solved
• Nevertheless “Those who know doesn’t talk – Those who talk doesn’t know”
Walk Your Talk - Talk Your Walk
“As beautiful flower without fragrance is disappointing. So wise words without right – action.
As beautiful flower with delightful fragrance is pleasing.
So wise and lovely speech when matched with right action.
Come and practice, and not just to come and believe”
• “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders”
• “Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom”
• Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power”
• “He who know others is wise, He who know himself is enlightened”
IV. Universal Humanism
We need education of universal humanism as told by Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529).
“When he (small man or ordinary person) sees a child about to fall into the well,
he cannot help a feeling of alarm and commiseration. This shows that his humanity
forms one body with the child. It may be objected that the child belongs to the
same species.
Again, when he observes the pitiful cries and frightened appearance of birds,
animals about to be slaughtered, he cannot help feeling an ‘inability to bear’
their suffering. This shows that his humanity forms one body with birds and animals.
It may be objected that birds and animals are sentient beings as he is.
But when he sees plants broken and destroyed, he cannot help a feeling of pity,
This shows that his humanity forms one body with plants. It may be said that plants
are living beings as he is.
Yet, even when he sees tiles and stones shattered and crushed, he cannot help a
feeling of regret. This shows that his humanity forms one body with tiles and stones.
This means that even the mind of small man necessarily has the humanity that forms
one body with all”
experience, enjoy more happiness, and endure more sufferings, are
experienced and knowledgeable with rich life experience.
Thus what they say is mostly wise counsel, and young people
should listen to them”
(“Wise Men Talking Series” Sino Lingua, Beijing)
Learning psychology via eastern wisdom is like listening old men having
rich life experiences. It will help, enrich and sharpen our ability in
diagnosing and in turn providing varieties to choose the right therapy
(modern and ancient as well) simply by using metaphors and stories.
Since in psychology is not allowed to use medicine like in psychiatry,
the aim of psycho treatment is to facilitate client to understand the
problem and encourage for Self Help.
Whereas the clinical testing facilities in psychiatry could only detect
physical effect, the measurement tools in psychology is like in quantum
physics gives only indication subject to further investigation as said
by Lao Tzu “The journey of thousand miles starts with single step”.
“Starting from apprehending one step, gradually you will understand
thousands of steps. After that you will see the Way and feel the true
self confidence. Things that is more fearful is when you are entrapped
in confusion and suffering. (Cheng Yen)
I. Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 SM):
A Crown Prince had changed drastically the expectation of his father
to succeed the kingdom instead, after seeing and meditate deeply an
old –, sick – and death man full of sorrow. What is its cause and how
to convert into happiness. The question is very fundamental of psychology.
At first he went to the philosopher but no satisfaction, then he practiced
ascetism, but only his body is weaker.
At last he meditated under the tree and realized the essence of universe
is always in constant changing and therefore non-self and detachment.
“I teach one thing and one only: that is suffering and the end of suffering.
You should do your own work for I can only teach the way”
Life belongs to those who take care of it.
“Once upon a time while a hen and its chicks looking for feed nearby a forest,
suddenly an eagle caught the mother and flew away. A wise man saw it and
shouted “Bring her back, it is very pity for the chicks”. The eagle answered,
“I also have 3 in my nest to feed or they will die”. “Take my flesh as
substitution “showing his arm. The eagle released the hen and took the flesh
of wise man but surprisingly soon after it is bitten a new one grown to recover
again and again”.
The difference of human being and animal.
Human being could transcend or passing over Selfish, egoism and transforms into
the way of paradoxes “in giving you will receive – in pardoning, you are pardoned
and in dying enter the eternal life”. Mustard could be regarded in the era of
information technology as computer and gadget.
Without enlightenment, it will promote selfish and narcis.
Therefore the ancient wisdom is needed in the modern society.
II. Confucius (551-479 SM):
The universe is always in constant changing and never stop even in a second from
the beginningless past into the endless future. The name it the Way/Tao.
Nothing remains permanent except changes itself.
It is like in a river, even the water flows at this moment differs from one minute
ago and one minute after. This changes is driven by opposite forces yet complementary
(YIN and YANG). Within YIN there is YANG and within YANG there is YIN.
Seasons changes from spring-summer-fall-winter and come back to spring again, etc,
but this spring differs from last one and next year.
Therefore man should learn to be human in his whole life. All title is only
appreciation for the past. If he stops to learn, is not valid anymore and fall into
the opposite.
Once he was asked, what kind of news you want to teach’, his answer was, “Nothing at
all. I just invent the old one and continue it”. Meaning the unity of past – present
and future is like a tree within the seed.
“There is skies above the sky/
Di atas Langit ada Langit yang lebih tinggi (compare to multi galaxies).
There are always smarter people above us/
Di atas manusia yang pandai, masih ada yang lebih pandai”
(just by pushing key board of your computer, you will recognize how ideas and counter
ideas flow like wave in the ocean. The later comes to challenge the former)
“10 years for making good wood – 100 years for good man”
For those who keep and always learn can overcome sorrow and have better life.
The wisdom of India named it dancing with The Dance of Shiva Nataraja/
God of Knowledge.
III. Lao Tzu (604 SM):
“The journey of thousand miles stars with single step” is also valid for knowing yourself. It is like the flow of stroke in Chinese calligraphy, one flows by the next un-interrupted.
• The taste of durian fruit could not be grasped by
reading books instead of just eat.
• Even after eat it, we still could not explain
completely to durian lover.
• Therefore how can we describe it to those who
never see and eat it?
• See the paintings of “3 wise men drinking the same
wine gourd” and “3 wise men laughing together”
• 3 psychiatrists never have the same opinion to
diagnose the same client.
• Those who know his true nature could overcome his
problem or even never face such problem.
• This is the essence of Transpersonal and Transformative Psychology.
The dichotomy of Self – Society and Nature is solved
• Nevertheless “Those who know doesn’t talk – Those who talk doesn’t know”
Walk Your Talk - Talk Your Walk
“As beautiful flower without fragrance is disappointing. So wise words without right – action.
As beautiful flower with delightful fragrance is pleasing.
So wise and lovely speech when matched with right action.
Come and practice, and not just to come and believe”
• “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders”
• “Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom”
• Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power”
• “He who know others is wise, He who know himself is enlightened”
IV. Universal Humanism
We need education of universal humanism as told by Wang Yang Ming (1472-1529).
“When he (small man or ordinary person) sees a child about to fall into the well,
he cannot help a feeling of alarm and commiseration. This shows that his humanity
forms one body with the child. It may be objected that the child belongs to the
same species.
Again, when he observes the pitiful cries and frightened appearance of birds,
animals about to be slaughtered, he cannot help feeling an ‘inability to bear’
their suffering. This shows that his humanity forms one body with birds and animals.
It may be objected that birds and animals are sentient beings as he is.
But when he sees plants broken and destroyed, he cannot help a feeling of pity,
This shows that his humanity forms one body with plants. It may be said that plants
are living beings as he is.
Yet, even when he sees tiles and stones shattered and crushed, he cannot help a
feeling of regret. This shows that his humanity forms one body with tiles and stones.
This means that even the mind of small man necessarily has the humanity that forms
one body with all”